Brown Butter and Pecan Shortbread

Sisters Sans Gluten


When I was first diagnosed as Celiac in 2004, life as a 10 year old seemed immeasurably miserable: no more Oreos, sourdough toast, mac and cheese, Costco croissants, or hotel danishes. No more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! (my staple for packed lunches). It was a rough few months, to say the least, and those few months getting used to the new diet and figuring out what few items in the pantry I could still eat felt like a LIFETIME. Bowls of hot rice with butter felt like the best I could ever do, simply because the few brands in the US that were producing anything gluten free were woefully lacking. The sliced tapioca bread was a testament to bad taste and everything else was as dry and as flavorful as a piece of styrofoam in the desert. So you can imagine my immense gratitude when, one day in Food…

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